Montana Travel Survey

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this travel study!
Your responses are confidential. This survey should take about 6 minutes to complete.  Remember, once you complete the survey, if you would like to be entered into the drawing you must provide your contact information at the end of this survey. Your contact information is not associated with the survey responses. Each July, the grand prize winner will be contacted.

Please enter your 5-digit survey ID below (refer to front of the survey envelope or the upper, right corner of the paper survey). The ID is used only to connect this survey with the information you provided to the Montana tourism researcher during your trip.

  What were the purposes for being in Montana on THIS TRIP? (Please select all that apply)
  Of the purposes you marked in the question above, please select your main purpose for visiting Montana. (Please select one)
  What attracted you to Montana? (Please select all that apply)
  Of the attractions you marked above, please select what attracted you most to Montana. (Please select one)
  How many people in your travel group (including yourself) were FIRST TIME visitors to Montana? (Please select one)
  Please indicate what age groups were represented in your travel group. (Please select all that apply)
  Prior to your visit, where did you or someone in your travel group gather ideas or information for this trip? (Please select all that apply)
  Of the sources marked above, please select the most useful information source. (Please select one)
  While in Montana ON THIS TRIP, where did you or someone in your travel group gather ideas or information while traveling? (Please select all that apply)
  Of the information sources marked above, please select the most useful source while in Montana. (Please select one)
  While in Montana ON THIS TRIP, please indicate activities in which any member of your travel group participated. (Please select all that apply)
  Which of the following sited did you visit in Montana ON THIS TRIP? (Please select all that apply)
  Have you spent any nights in Montana on this trip?

Please choose the location (nearest town) and choose the lodging type (listed below) for your nights spent in Montana on this trip.
(Please include planned locations and planned lodging type for nights that have not yet occurred if your travel group plans to spend additional nights in Montana on this trip.)

PLEASE NOTE: You can list up to eight nights.

  Did you spend any additional nights in Montana?
  Did you spend any additional nights in Montana?
  Did you spend any additional nights in Montana?
  Did anyone in your group hire an outfitter or guide in Montana during this trip?
  Did you fly on a commercial air carrier for any portion of this trip?
  Do you own a 2nd home/cabin/condo/property in Montana?
  Do you plan on visiting Montana again in the next two years?
  On the map below, please click on the towns you drove through while in Montana.
(The numbers around the edge of the map and near the airports will be referenced in additional questions below.)  
  On this trip, did you bring wireless technology (i.e., smart phone, laptop, tablet) with you?
  While in Montana on this trip, how often did you use your technology for finding...
  Always   Frequently   Sometimes   Never  

  Shopping opportunities        





  Road information        



For the following 5 questions, please reply for yourself only (not your travel group).

  Not including this trip, how recent was your last visit to Montana?
  In your adult life, how many times have you been to Montana for the primary purpose of...
  Never 1-3 times 4-6 times 7-10 times 11-20 times 20+ times  

  Visiting friends/relatives  

  Just passing through  


  What is your gender?
  What best describes your annual household income in US dollars? (Please select only one)

Thank you for participating! If you have questions about the survey, please call ITRR at 406-243-5686 or e-mail You can view survey reports at

If you would like to be entered in the drawing for your choice of a $1,000 Visa gift card or airfare valuing up to $1,000, please provide us with your name, email address, and phone number.
Your information will be kept confidential, and will be destroyed following the drawing. The drawing is held each year in July.

  Would you be willing to be contacted via email to complete additional Montana travel surveys?
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